Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oh the rainy days...

So I realize that it's not currently raining in the Fort right now, but it has enough since Saturday night to still talk about it. It's amazing to me that every year, year after year, I gripe during the months of May and June because it won't stop raining, and then through July and part of August, I gripe due to the lack of it. This may not mean much, but I caught myself at 1:30 Sunday morning (the point that the storm woke me up) thinking "it's still raining? dang." and then I proceeded to call myself an idiot. Of course, then I started questioning why I was arguing with myself at 1:30 in the morning and promptly went back to bed after letting Abby inside and boarding her up in the kitchen. But seriously, why do I, or we as people for that matter, do this? Poor God can't win for losing here, and yet it's not like we, or even I, plan on changing. It will happen the very same next year, and the year after that, and the year after that. I might not gripe about it when I turn 30, but by then I'm hoping my iPhone will have a program to do all my griping for me.

At any rate, and back on the topic of rain, the positive of all of it has been that, aside from us needing it in a serious way, it finally felt good to go out in the shop and work yesterday. I'm fairly certain it topped out in the low 70s, and it was wonderful. I also, in turn, finally got at least a couple of things done, as going out into the shop didn't promptly make my head spin from the constant fight between allergies and extreme heat.

But in other news, Meagan and I went to her Grandma and Jim's house last night as well. I was "hired" out to fix their Apple computers, and the payment was food. Spaghetti in particular. Naturally, being the pasta nut that I am, I couldn't resist. Meagan's Grandma is an old school cook, and it was certainly well worth going over there. I got both their computer problems fixed (the extent of which was "Why won't it save my Yahoo! password when I open up FireFox?" Of course, a change of the cookie setting, and we were done). We then proceeded to just sit around and talk with these old folks for a good hour and a half or so, which was again, a real treat. You tend to learn so much from them, whether just life advice, or just as a history of how things used to be.

So yeah, it's no longer raining, but I think I'm still feeling the sleepiness that accompanies that. I definitely see a nap in my future when I get home tonight.

I've also realized that I've rambled on about nothing, and the thought process that is my brain is extremely strange. Of course, my guess is that if you're actually reading this, then you know how I work, how I am, and most importantly how I type and talk. So don't gripe. Yeah.
That's all I got.

So until next time, keep on truckin...

1 comment:

drizzle said...

I can't speak to her grandparents, but I definitely agree on the point about sitting and talking to my elders. Most of the best conversations I had in college were with the elder professors who had real life stories, advice, and philosophy (of the practical, not school subject, variety).

Anyway, welcome to the blagosphere.