Wednesday, August 13, 2008

BBQ and Nachos become friends...

I know this isn't a new concept on food. Heck, everyone who knows me can vouch that for about a 3 year period, it was a pre-game ritual before each and every Razorback home football game. The piles of chips, topped with a pile of cheese, topped with a pile of meat with barbeque sauce is an utterly phenonemal idea.

But it all changed yesterday. I found the best I've ever had at Benson's Grill here in the Fort. Meagan's dad Don (who owns the Fort Smith staple by the way) had mentioned the dish to me on many occasions, and I finally got the chance to try it. Complete with a good ol' heaping pile of cheese, topped with good quality Roast, and sauce made from the recipe he got from apparently an old Italian lady, it's wonderful.

Yes, I realize it's just a plate of nachos I'm talking about, but seriously. They rock. Quite amazing.

In other news, Meagan was privileged to work her last day today at the sunroom booth today, and will be leaving me tomorrow to travel to NYC with her dad for 4 days. Hoping they get to go to a Yankees game, along with multiple other things they're trying to cram into the trip, I imagine they will have a blast and get some serious quality time before she heads back to school for her final 4 months in R'ville.

Of course, the sucky part, for me at least, is that she leaves, comes back on Monday, and then I help her move into her dorm room on Tuesday. Blah for me. But it'll certainly be ok. (oh and a serious apology for the current sappiness of this blog...i'll get off the subject in a second, ha.) She'll be done soon enough, and will get to come home here and there, as I'll go down there here and there (sappiness off.)

In still yet other news, I left work early today, due to me not being able to hardly move my neck. I've always had nerve problems in my neck, but today was different. About 9:30, i stiffened up and couldn't turn my head much at all. So I came home, rubbed some sort of pain reliever on it and took a nap. It's a little bit better now, although, i will probably take something tonight.

I realize that absolutely no one cares about my afflictions, but i figured since you were here, you might find it in your heart to care...for a millisecond. And now it's done.

Alrighty, I'm out. Gotta go eat, then go to choir, then go see Meagan before I come home and sleep.

Keep on truckin...

1 comment:

drizzle said...

I've been thinking on your quest for a second reader. Maybe you need to convince our other friends to start blogs and get a circle of other friends just linking to your blog.

Or, alternatively, you could post a link to this from hognation. Either or.