Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Friday...

Man, I'm tired. I'm still tired. Both from the fact that this welcomed drop in temperature has my allergies reeling, and from the fact that sadly I'm still recovering from the 3am drive home from the Eagles concert on Tuesday night...

It's been a weird week. Busy, but not super busy. I'm glad it's Friday though. I get to see Meagan again and it's Hogs-Bama weekend once again. It will certainly be an early start to the Saturday football-sphere, but at least it won't be after midnight when we get home. So hooray for that.

On to the Eagles. Absolutely the most phenomenal concert I've ever been to. Heck, one of the most amazing evening's I've ever witnessed. I've been a fan of their music for a long time now, and being able to see them live was a dream come true. Heck, as Meagan's dad and I discussed, it was worth the price of admission alone just to see Hotel California live. Someone once said that you haven't truly lived until you've seen it performed live (i don't remember who though said it though. Maybe I just made it up in my head. I swear I read it once though...oh well). Either way, it's true. One of the single coolest things I've ever seen.

At any rate, they played several of their new songs, and then a crapton of their old stuff, which is of course the main reason Alltel Arena was packed. Just absolutely awesome. Have I mentioned that it was awesome? If I haven't, it was. They started playing about 8:10 and finished about 11:20, so it was certainly money well spent. The sad part of the evening was the part about not getting home until 3 in the am.

Alrighty, I've rambled. I should probably get to work. Mom's come back and keeps giving me a look as if I'm not doing anything.

So until we meet again, hopefully the Hogs will make it an even better weekend (hey, we're finally healthy, and while their D is good, they haven't played anyone all that good. No, Clemson isn't good. I put them just below WIU. Out of spite for them being Clemson and in the ACC).

Pig F'n Sooie...


1 comment:

drizzle said...

Were the Eagles any good?

Aren't you glad that you went, even though it probably made work harder?