Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So I guess I need to post again...

I apologize to the football gods. I was merely making a lighthearted joke of sorts on the predictions of our season. How was I to know that our Offensive line would truly be offensive, that our defensive coordinator has apparently not taught our freshmen AND upperclassmen how to at least tackle a guy, even with the impending "learning of a new system," that our kicking game would be so atrocious, and that our senior QB's confidence could be shot so quickly?

Let's face it, these last two games have almost been painful. I guess one could say that it at least seems that they are two extremely good team (Bama in particular). Of course, then you have to note that Florida is as well, and that they just had a bad game. This of course, could bode poorly for us if the Gators are mad from losing to the Wild Rebel. I will, of course, still be there because, well, it's not like I have anything else to do. Besides that, it's football. And a chance to make fun of Tebow...from my seat in the upper deck. Plus, dad's birthday is Sunday, so it will be a chance to go to a nice restaurant afterwards and eat with him and mom. So a big woohoo to that.

Let's see, what else has been going on since I last posted? Oh, not that anyone cares, but I switched my car insurance. I know, big things happening for me, ha! But seriously, switched to Nationwide, which dropped my premium by about 150 bucks, plus dropping my homeowner's insurance 20%. Now if the assessor's office will ever "fully" process my homestead tax credit (they told me some months ago it was in the system, yet they couldn't tell me why i hadn't seen it yet), my montly mortgage should be less than $490 a month. Hmm....let's see, maybe if more banks would have done like they did with me (only allowing me to take a loan that I can ACTUALLY afford), then maybe we wouldn't have so many people with such high montly payments, so many danged foreclosures, and so many danged banks going belly up. But maybe that's just me thinking...you know...logically.

Luckily, I did buy when I did, thus getting me already into the "system" building my equity and my credit. So when the time comes that banks will start loaning money for homes again, and they're much stricter, Meagan and I shouldn't have any problems.

Past that, I'm just rockin right along. New TV shows are on, which is good. Sarah Connor Chronicles has been excellent, Heroes has been phenomenal, How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory have been great, as has been Smallville and The Office. I still haven't gotten time to sit down and watch the premiere of My Name is Earl, but I hear good things. Oh, and the new season of Pushing Daisies starts tomorrow night. So serious woohoo's to that.

Alright, at some point I should get started on work. They'll eventually notice that I'm just sitting here.

Keep on truckin,

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