Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So I guess I need to post again...

I apologize to the football gods. I was merely making a lighthearted joke of sorts on the predictions of our season. How was I to know that our Offensive line would truly be offensive, that our defensive coordinator has apparently not taught our freshmen AND upperclassmen how to at least tackle a guy, even with the impending "learning of a new system," that our kicking game would be so atrocious, and that our senior QB's confidence could be shot so quickly?

Let's face it, these last two games have almost been painful. I guess one could say that it at least seems that they are two extremely good team (Bama in particular). Of course, then you have to note that Florida is as well, and that they just had a bad game. This of course, could bode poorly for us if the Gators are mad from losing to the Wild Rebel. I will, of course, still be there because, well, it's not like I have anything else to do. Besides that, it's football. And a chance to make fun of Tebow...from my seat in the upper deck. Plus, dad's birthday is Sunday, so it will be a chance to go to a nice restaurant afterwards and eat with him and mom. So a big woohoo to that.

Let's see, what else has been going on since I last posted? Oh, not that anyone cares, but I switched my car insurance. I know, big things happening for me, ha! But seriously, switched to Nationwide, which dropped my premium by about 150 bucks, plus dropping my homeowner's insurance 20%. Now if the assessor's office will ever "fully" process my homestead tax credit (they told me some months ago it was in the system, yet they couldn't tell me why i hadn't seen it yet), my montly mortgage should be less than $490 a month. Hmm....let's see, maybe if more banks would have done like they did with me (only allowing me to take a loan that I can ACTUALLY afford), then maybe we wouldn't have so many people with such high montly payments, so many danged foreclosures, and so many danged banks going belly up. But maybe that's just me thinking...you know...logically.

Luckily, I did buy when I did, thus getting me already into the "system" building my equity and my credit. So when the time comes that banks will start loaning money for homes again, and they're much stricter, Meagan and I shouldn't have any problems.

Past that, I'm just rockin right along. New TV shows are on, which is good. Sarah Connor Chronicles has been excellent, Heroes has been phenomenal, How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory have been great, as has been Smallville and The Office. I still haven't gotten time to sit down and watch the premiere of My Name is Earl, but I hear good things. Oh, and the new season of Pushing Daisies starts tomorrow night. So serious woohoo's to that.

Alright, at some point I should get started on work. They'll eventually notice that I'm just sitting here.

Keep on truckin,

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Friday...

Man, I'm tired. I'm still tired. Both from the fact that this welcomed drop in temperature has my allergies reeling, and from the fact that sadly I'm still recovering from the 3am drive home from the Eagles concert on Tuesday night...

It's been a weird week. Busy, but not super busy. I'm glad it's Friday though. I get to see Meagan again and it's Hogs-Bama weekend once again. It will certainly be an early start to the Saturday football-sphere, but at least it won't be after midnight when we get home. So hooray for that.

On to the Eagles. Absolutely the most phenomenal concert I've ever been to. Heck, one of the most amazing evening's I've ever witnessed. I've been a fan of their music for a long time now, and being able to see them live was a dream come true. Heck, as Meagan's dad and I discussed, it was worth the price of admission alone just to see Hotel California live. Someone once said that you haven't truly lived until you've seen it performed live (i don't remember who though said it though. Maybe I just made it up in my head. I swear I read it once though...oh well). Either way, it's true. One of the single coolest things I've ever seen.

At any rate, they played several of their new songs, and then a crapton of their old stuff, which is of course the main reason Alltel Arena was packed. Just absolutely awesome. Have I mentioned that it was awesome? If I haven't, it was. They started playing about 8:10 and finished about 11:20, so it was certainly money well spent. The sad part of the evening was the part about not getting home until 3 in the am.

Alrighty, I've rambled. I should probably get to work. Mom's come back and keeps giving me a look as if I'm not doing anything.

So until we meet again, hopefully the Hogs will make it an even better weekend (hey, we're finally healthy, and while their D is good, they haven't played anyone all that good. No, Clemson isn't good. I put them just below WIU. Out of spite for them being Clemson and in the ACC).

Pig F'n Sooie...


Monday, September 15, 2008

One of these nights...

So I got mad at my dog last night. She woke me up barking at midnight. And then again at 1 (at which point after trying to get a late night swig of Dr. Pepper, I dropped the bottle on the kitchen floor, and proceeded to curse). And again at 5. I then locked her in the garage, which is what I should have done at midnight. I love my dog, but that is sadly one of the negatives to having a dog that you must keep outside most of the time. She likes to bark at random things in the middle of the night. The biggest problem I have with this is that she can't see anything with my fence. But she continues on, barking.

So it's apparently become a trend for me to apologize for not posting in a while. This blogging stuff is much harder than it looks, and trying to find something more than just the regular run of the mill routine that is my day to day life can be difficult at times. Not to say that there hasn't been plenty to talk about in the last 3 weeks. You then have to add in the fact that we have been almost excruciatingly busy at work and you get the idea. Still no excuse though, so I'm sorry. To Drizzle and Meagan. And the possible one or two other people that might be actually reading. No, it's just those two I'm sure.

Anyhoo, let's see all that's happened. I turned 25 and commenced watching the Hogs scare the living crap out of me against WIU. They did win, however, and all I can say is that there were definite positives, and definite negatives. Casey looked good. The oline and receivers looked good...at times. The defense...well, they seem alright against the pass. Along with getting to spend the game with Meagan and the Drizzle, and then add a Sunday lunch with mom, dad, and Meagan for my birthday and then pulled pork with her family that night, and it made for a wonderful birthday weekend. That really made for a long run-on sentence didn't it? Oh who am I kidding? I don't get grades anymore. I can make a 10 page paper into 1 sentence if I want to...Take that education! Ha!

Last weekend I spent with Meagan down in Russellville. I must first make the point that I am the man. After being very open that she doesn't really like much barbeque (doesn't really eat anything her dad has smoked, I get the feeling she ate ribs I cooked just to be nice :- ) ), I took her a chopped pork sammich from Rivertowne in Ozark. A slather of mild sauce, and then some hot on top of that, and I swear her first words after that first bite were "I really hate to say this, but...that's really good." I WIN! I'M A WINNER! OK, maybe they're winners down there with the single greatest barbeque sandwich on Earth, but still. They're not here, so I'm claiming awesomeness.

Past that, we hung out with each other, went to see 'Traitor' (really good film by the way. Also creepy when we're sitting there and in walks Amber Shaddock and her boyfriend, ha!) and went to church with my Grandma and Aunt. I sadly had to cut it short Sunday afternoon as I had to get back for church choir practice (we're trying to make a valient effort to get an early start on the Christmas program). I also was able to watch at least a smidge of the Hogs online Sat. night...at least the very end, which by the sound of it was the best part. Hooray for being 2-0.

I obviously haven't talked too much about work, but really there's not much to say. We're still extremely busy, but we're doing alright. The week following Labor Day allowed me to really get caught up on a bunch of stuff, and yet now I find myself with still several work orders on my desk. Just the fact of life. I'm certainly not going to complain though. It just seems at times that we're the only one's in the area that are busy. Or at the very least steady with business. I thank the good Lord above for that. Nice to see how he does and will provide when you let him.

It's also nice when it's as cool outside as it was today. I know partly it was from the "aftermath" of Ike, but I also like to think it's just getting that time for awesome jeans and t-shirt or light long-sleeved weather. Work seems to generally get done a lot quicker when you feel like going outside.

Welp, I guess that's about all I have for tonight. I should probably start getting ready for bed soon (yes, I realize at the time of my writing this sentence it's currently 10:02) as I've got a long night tomorrow. Work til about 3, and then it's off to see THE EAGLES!!!!!!! Riding down with Meagan's family, picking her up in Russvegas and it's off to Alltel in North Little Rock. Should prove to be an amazing show and an amazingly fun time. It will, however, be incredibly late getting home...at least late for me. Luckily, I don't have to go in at 8 Wednesday morning.

Happy Bama Gameweek. Until we meet again....